Sangaha-vatthu 4 (Four Principles of Service)

Sangaha-vatthu means qualities that bond people in unity or principles for helpful integration. The four principles are:

               1.1 Dana: giving; sacrificing, sharing his own things with others; not being stingy and selfish. This principle helps people to be free from selfishness. We have to realize that the wealth that we earn is not permanent. When we pass away, we cannot take it with us.

               1.2 Piyavaca: amicable speech; speaking words that are polite; sincere, abstaining from harsh speech; speaking the words that are useful. The Buddha gives much importance to speech because speech is the first step for producing harmony and friendship.

               1.3 Atthacariya: helpful action; performing actions that are useful to other people.

               1.4 Samanattata: participation; behaving consistently and impartially; behaving equitably toward all people. This principle helps us to have a firm mind, and in addition it produces admirableness and truthfulness.