April 14, 2010

Three Meritorious Deeds


The way of general lay people’s living, that is the pure body, words, and mind that reveal one’s proper mind state following the pattern of systematic consideration. The stable mind will lead the person to firmly perform his conduct under the three basics of meritorious deeds or the ground for accomplishing merit. Those are:

1. Dana or meritorious deed consisting in generosity. The generous mind refers to the will of giving. For example giving knowledge, academic or technical know-how, financially support, facilities, equipment and, most of all, giving forgiveness.

2. Sila or meritorious deed consisting in observing the precepts or moral behavior; the proper way of one’s earning a living, discipline, good manner; no exploitation of other people’ benefits, but living in a happy and peaceful community.

3. Bhavana refers to meritorious deed for mental development, that is, the training in higher concentration and wisdom, to be strong, stable and firm, and also to have a thorough knowledge about life and the world.

Three meritorious deeds or generosity, morality, and mental development are the systematic of leading a living, or the practice of body, words, and mind towards human beings, or social relation.

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