April 12, 2010

Components of Five Precepts

In order to break the precepts, your action has to consist of components:

1. Not Killing
1.1 The victim must really be alive.
1.2 We are aware of that the victim is alive.
1.3 We have the intention to kill the victim.
1.4 We put in the effort to kill the victim.
1.5 The victim dies in the way intended.

2. Not Stealing
2.1 There is an owner who is possessive about that objects.
2.2 The perpetrator knows the object has someone possessive of it.
2.3 The perpetrator has the effort to steal the object.
2.4 The perpetrator makes the effort to steal the object.
2.5 The perpetrator obtains the object in keeping with his intention.

3. Not Coming Adultery
3.1 The object of the affection must be a man or woman who is prohibited.
3.2 The perpetrator has the intention to have sexual intercourse with that persons.
3.3 The perpetrator makes the effort to have sexual intercourse.
3.4 There is a joining of the sexual organs.

4. Not Telling n Lie
4.1 Saying something that is not true.
4.2 Having the intention to misrepresent the truth.
4.3 The listener understands what you have said.

5. Not Drinking Alcohol
5.1 The liquid drunk must be alcohol.
5.2 The person must know that it is alcohol.
53. The person must have the intention to drink it.
5.4 The person must make the effort to drink it.
5.5 The alcohol must be swallowed.

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