April 12, 2010

Principle of Success


Iddhipāda 4 (principles of success) are the principles that lead to success; Chanda, Viriya, Citta and Vimamsā.

1. Chanda: having a heart of zeal; to be keen to do something, and to it for the love of it; to wish to bring an activity or task to its optimum fruition, not simply doing it to get it out of the way or merely for reward or material gain.

2. Viriya: doing with effort; to be diligent and apply oneself to act with effort, fortitude, patience and perseverance, not abandoning it or becoming discouraged, but striving ever onward until success is attained.

3. Citta: committing oneself to the task; to establish one’s attention on the task in hand and do it thoughtfully, not allowing the mind to wander; to apply one’s thought to the matter regularly and consistently and do the task devotedly.

4. Vimamsā: using wise investigation; to diligently apply wise reflection to examine cause and effect within what one is doing and to reflect on, for example, it pros and cons, gains and shortcomings or obstructions. This can be achieved by experimentally, planning and evaluating results, and devising solutions and improvements in order to manage and carry out the activity at hand so as to achieve better results.

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