April 12, 2010

Four Devine Abiding


Brahmavihāra refers to Dhamma of Brahma. Brahmavihāra is the principle for all people; gloriously and purely leading the life;

1. Mettā: loving-kindness; goodwill, the wish to help all people attain benefit and happiness. Happiness happens by body and mind e.g., the happiness of possessing wealth, the happiness of spending wealth, the happiness of freedom from debt, and the happiness of blameless conduct etc.

2. Karunā: compassion; the desire to help other people escape from their sufferings; the things that cause bodily and mental unhappiness; wanting to free them from suffering, to free all beings, both human and animal.

3. Muditā: sympathetic joy; appreciative gladness when seeing others who are happy or advanced; not being jealous; wish them to get more happiness and progress. We have to train ourselves to express sympathy, to easily and profoundly bind friendship.

4. Upekkhā: equanimity; seeing things as they are with a mind that is even, steady, firm and fair like a pair of scales; understanding that all beings experience good and evil in accordance with the cause and effect that they have created; ready to judge, position oneself and action in accordance with principles, reason and equity.

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